Vooperia is a space-faring imperial nation home to loyal Vooperians working to create a free and fair society. This channel follows the economics, politics, ...
everyone go sub that channel!
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 01:51 AM
you should look in the discussion page
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 04:10 AM
i will make this better tomorrow
Coca16208-Nov-20 04:39 AM
I am idiot
DynoBOT08-Nov-20 01:03 PM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
asdia08-Nov-20 01:04 PM
mmm yes
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 02:31 PM
Niami08-Nov-20 02:54 PM
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 02:55 PM
Niami08-Nov-20 02:55 PM
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 02:57 PM
invite people :)
Niami08-Nov-20 02:58 PM
Coca16208-Nov-20 03:09 PM
Maybe the logo would be better
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 03:10 PM
i made a logo for LV
its just Texas
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 04:19 PM
HubAIBOT08-Nov-20 04:19 PM
DJZ_Ibty's Stats
give me money and your problems disappear
CEO of The Church Of The Fallen God and your mom
and Chairman of The Progressive Party
SpookVooper Stats
Balance : ¢20.3446419365
District : Los Vooperis
Comment Likes : 2
Post Likes : 0
Discord Stats
Message XP : 4401
Message Count : 7234
Commends Received : 7
Commends Sent : 18
Game XP : 0
Ban Count : 0
PFP URL : Here
Twitch Stats
Message XP : 0
Message Count : 0
SVID : 9777c26a-357d-460b-b011-bca5fb4bbad7
DiscordID : 481008005706547201
Minecraft UUID : None
Twitch ID : DJZ_Ibty
Nationstates Nation: Gamers United Incorporation
xboy08-Nov-20 04:50 PM
DynoBOT08-Nov-20 04:57 PM
Welcome @𝓕𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓼, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
𝓕𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓼08-Nov-20 04:57 PM
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 04:58 PM
server list is at the bottom
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠08-Nov-20 04:58 PM
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 04:58 PM
lmao is he playing NV
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠08-Nov-20 05:01 PM
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 07:43 PM
bouta get carpal tunnel typing out #sv-channels
Niami08-Nov-20 07:46 PM
#mof-announcements: where the ministry of finance announces things
no way
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 07:46 PM
oh god oh fuck
what do i do for the districts
i have no idea what order theyre in
i know now
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 08:11 PM
@Senator Luka what do you think about #sv-channels ?
DynoBOT08-Nov-20 10:41 PM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 10:42 PM
did you get here
Niami08-Nov-20 10:42 PM
I invited him
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 10:42 PM
ok cool
DynoBOT08-Nov-20 11:04 PM
Welcome @Trevor, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
D.J.Z.08-Nov-20 11:05 PM
i am eating lamb tonight
Trevor08-Nov-20 11:18 PM
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠09-Nov-20 01:29 AM
shut the fuck up liberal @Coca162
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 01:29 AM
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 01:54 AM
coca half of your links went invalid
DynoBOT09-Nov-20 03:05 AM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 03:05 AM
SagePython031109-Nov-20 03:05 AM
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 03:07 AM
/pfp @HubAI
HubAIBOT09-Nov-20 03:07 AM
PFP Error
Could not find user HubAI#4309
Check your caps or spelling
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 03:07 AM
you fool
bmkreher09-Nov-20 03:18 AM
This is literally one of the last SV servers I’m still in :(
blueviper1009-Nov-20 03:21 AM
ok mr shracc alt
D.J.Z.09-Nov-20 03:22 AM
bmkreher09-Nov-20 03:26 AM
ok mr shracc alt
@blueviper10 blue
Just like why?
blueviper1009-Nov-20 03:26 AM
am joke
you are not shracc alt
bmkreher09-Nov-20 03:27 AM
I know
blueviper1009-Nov-20 03:27 AM
you are sexy mfer
bmkreher09-Nov-20 03:27 AM
Wanna know what I am, an innocent being >:(
Honestly if I never reported that shracc alt I probably would’ve been unbanned
why is unranked making the same amount as spleen wtf
D.J.Z.23-Dec-20 01:46 AM
who knows
either niami broke something or spike did
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠23-Dec-20 01:46 AM
Niami23-Dec-20 01:48 AM
there's no api for ubi so when the transactions come in they usually come in highest rank to lowest rank and I just record that, if they don't then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DynoBOT23-Dec-20 11:48 PM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠24-Dec-20 09:07 PM
What the fuck
Is that a sv problem, or is it the bot
Niami24-Dec-20 09:10 PM
I rewrote the part that captures the ubi and I kinda fucked up
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠24-Dec-20 09:36 PM
bmkreher31-Dec-20 05:41 AM
Lmao I just saw my role
D.J.Z.01-Jan-21 02:17 AM
pee pee
this is my most successful server
at least in terms of member count
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠01-Jan-21 04:07 AM
It's a pretty useful server aswell
With the many sub communities sv has, a hub was needed
D.J.Z.01-Jan-21 04:07 AM
the staff dont like it
but they tolerate it
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠01-Jan-21 04:08 AM
It's a useful thing
D.J.Z.01-Jan-21 04:08 AM
security reasons i guess
i mean some of them are here
like pope and tyco are here
and dan
donia01-Jan-21 07:03 AM
DynoBOT05-Jan-21 01:48 AM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
Jack1rules05-Jan-21 02:11 AM
He is also in the sfs server
Awesome role
D.J.Z.05-Jan-21 03:01 PM
Jack1rules05-Jan-21 03:16 PM
McLaren05-Jan-21 03:17 PM
D.J.Z.05-Jan-21 07:59 PM
Redstone_person_LOL06-Jan-21 02:50 AM
hellodan06-Jan-21 05:47 AM
Where is that
America politics server thing
Not the csi one
Jack1rules06-Jan-21 06:00 AM
The csi one is the best one tho
D.J.Z.07-Jan-21 09:49 PM
the one i was never invited to?
DynoBOT10-Jan-21 12:19 AM
Welcome @Unknown, read #rules-and-server-info, and have a good time!
Allegate11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
w h a t
GreenTea11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
wtf spookvooper is gone
D.J.Z.11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
everyone was kicked from SV
Niami11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
sv poofed
D.J.Z.11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
or banned or the server got deleted
Allegate11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
oh wiat
I think I know what happened
Login11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
D.J.Z.11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
@hellodan what happened lmao
Login11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
where is
Niami11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
Login11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
where is it
Niami11-Jan-21 09:40 PM
reduced to atoms
idk honestly
shit went fuck and now we all got kicked
D.J.Z.11-Jan-21 09:41 PM
spike had enough lmao(edited)
Niami11-Jan-21 09:41 PM
makes sv open source
alright go do it yourself
k thx bye
Allegate11-Jan-21 09:41 PM
spike made the code public so what if someone coded voopAI to kick everyone