Guild icon
The Hub
Important / announcements
D.J.Z. 07-Nov-20 05:54 PM
i didnt realize we were missing this
D.J.Z. 07-Nov-20 06:45 PM
DM Luka if you want to help with the Guide
D.J.Z. 08-Nov-20 02:31 PM
the Hub now has emojis
D.J.Z. 08-Nov-20 09:05 PM
I made #sv-channels i guess
D.J.Z. 11-Nov-20 07:04 PM
cough cough
D.J.Z. 13-Nov-20 11:23 PM
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oh no what have i done
D.J.Z. 14-Nov-20 12:43 AM
It is awweady knyown among the citizens of some distwicts that NVP membews wiww DM citizens asking fow a vote. This was mostwy ignyowed, untiw nyow. The waw was weviewed and it was found that this action was actuawwy iwwegaw. It was awso discuvwed that Wuka had been DMing awmost evewy citizen of his distwict with the voting wink and a wequest that they vote fow him. Many pwominyent membews of the guvwnment cwiticized this and began to fowm a wawsuit. Howevew, just befowe an appeaw couwd be fiwed, Empewow Spike Vipew simpwy decwawed that waw void. This caused much contwuvwsy as Spike is the weadew of the NVP, and Wuka is onye of theiw main membews. This awso bwought up the question of what wouwd happen in a hypotheticaw situation whewe Spike bweaks a waw, but instead of being twied he simpwy wemuvs the waw. Spike's wepwy: "Weww, it's nyice to be Empewow." The guvwnment membews quickwy dwopped the wawsuit, without any given weason othew than "it wouwd be too hawd to go against Spike." This seems to be just anyothew sad wemindew that Voopewia is nyot a democwacy. Wuka got off with nyo punyishment and vote begging wiww continyue to be awwowed (and in some cases encouwaged).
Niami 22-Nov-20 07:29 PM
In preperation for the SpookVooper update the Merope Mastermind will be going down meaning the role sync will not be functional.
D.J.Z. 29-Nov-20 06:31 PM
whoops why is that not a png
Senator Luka 02-Dec-20 03:32 PM
@everyone If you want to ask the Emperor Spike questions DM it immediately to @Senator Luka , and he will ask Spike in the upcoming interview of SVNP.
👀 5
D.J.Z. 02-Dec-20 03:33 PM
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D.J.Z. 03-Dec-20 09:44 PM
@everyone who wants a loan for up to 30k at 4-5% for 15 days
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Senator Luka 05-Dec-20 12:10 AM
@everyone Go make sure to boost our discord server! (edited)
D.J.Z. 05-Dec-20 12:10 AM
Senator Luka 05-Dec-20 12:10 AM
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(thats pope not me)
Niami 21-Dec-20 03:07 PM
If you do not have the correct roles from SV go bug spike to update the /GetDiscordRoles api route because that is what the bot relies on to check your roles. The bot can only set the roles it is told you have in SV (edited)
(Don't actually bug spike about it unless you feel it is really important to have the correct roles here as in SV) (edited)
D.J.Z. 31-Dec-20 05:40 AM
sillyimpossible streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community.
mhm 1
silly is playing minecrafy
D.J.Z. 11-Jan-21 02:15 AM
#the-galactic-gazette exists now
D.J.Z. 11-Jan-21 09:39 PM
@here someone broke something dont worry
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hopefully it wasnt deleted lmao
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D.J.Z. 11-Jan-21 09:51 PM
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I hate to say it, but the day has come. Spike's account was disabled and they deleted SV. We are working on a replacement ASAP.
~ Pope
D.J.Z. 12-Jan-21 11:50 PM
If you would like me to delete your server just say so in DMs or in #general
D.J.Z. 14-Jan-21 02:41 PM
Over the past few years my community has had several major incidents relating to our community being #abusedbydiscord. Through negligence, active attacks on our staff and community, and false disablements, we have learned that the platform does not care for its users as they claim. We want Discord to be more transparent, give us answers to why t...
probably late lmao
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