Seasons in Voopmont:
Dawn: March 1st - June 19th
Dawn is generally cold but not as cold as Bad Winter. It can sometimes reach warmer temperatures around 25°F or -4°C , especially around Dawn's end.
Sun: June 20th - September 20th
Sun is the warmest season of Voopmont. The temperatures usually reach around 70°F or 21°C at it's highest, and 40°F or 4°C at it's lowest.
In Icelesia, the temperature usually reaches around 60°F or 15°C at it's highest, and 30°F or -1°C at it's lowest.
The start of Sun is usually the time in which the land mass connecting Icelesia and Voopmont melts and seperates the two land masses.
Good Winter: September 21st - November 30th
Good Winter is the second coldest season of Voopmont. In the beginning, the temperatures begin to drop gradually, eventually reaching a temperature of -2°F or -18°C.
In Icelesia, the temperature normally reaches -15°F or -26°C during Good Winter.
The start of Good Winter is usually the time in which Icelesia and Voopmont connect together.
Bad Winter: December 1st - February 28th
Bad Winter is the coldest season of Voopmont. It usually reaches peak colds of -30°F or -34°C during the day, but can go lower at night. The coldest temperature ever was recorded in Glacierre, Icelesia, at a record -45°F or -42°C. Avalanches and Blizzards are very common during Bad Winter, especially in Icelesia.
On leap years, February 29th is both Bad Winter and Dawn. At 5:01 PM EST, Bad Winter ends, and the rest of February 29th becomes Dawn.