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Republic of Voopmont
People's Council / bill-proposal
everyone 07-Sep-20 04:17 PM
I propose that we propose the previously proposed bills
Luckily I have an archive
Voopmont District Policy #1 July 28th, 2020 VOOPMONTIAN COUNCIL CREATION ACT Senator Coolio Effective Immediately Description: The Voopmontian Council will be a body of citizens from Voopmont that have the ability to create district policies that will be voted on by the coun...
Voopmont District Policy #2 July 27th, 2020 GOVERNOR POSITION ACT Senator Coolio Effective Immediately Description: This act will create the Governor position in the Voopmontian Government. Law: SEC. 1: Short Name VPT//002//GPA SEC. 2: Governor’s Job in Government The Gover...
Voopmont District Policy #3 26 July 2020 District Bill Tag Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: An organisation of the referral tags of District Policies and Acts Short Title This Act may be cited as the District Bill Tag Act [VPT//003//DBTA]. Interpretation...
Voopmont District Policy #4 26 July 2020 Census Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: Creation of a District Public Census Short Title This Act may be cited as the Census Act [VPT//004//CA]. Interpretation In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires ...
Voopmont District Policy #5 INSERT DATE OF PROPOSED POLICY HERE Education Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: An Act relating to education and registration of schools Part I GENERAL Short Title This Act may be cited as the Education Act. Interpretation In t...
Voopmont District Policy #6 July 27, 2020 Infrastructure Improvement Act Effective Immediately Description: Will improve the Infrastructure of Voopmont Part I GENERAL Short Title This Act may be cited as the Infrastructure Improvement Act [VPT//006//IIA]. Interpretations In ...
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 12:58 PM
that worked right?
everyone 12-Sep-20 01:04 PM
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 01:05 PM
Why did it not work
everyone 12-Sep-20 01:05 PM
Already explained in private
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 01:17 PM
I’ll figure it out eventually
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 01:44 PM
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 01:53 PM
uhm did that work?
everyone 12-Sep-20 01:53 PM
Äh yes very good
big aot fan 12-Sep-20 01:54 PM
thank you
everyone 12-Sep-20 01:56 PM
Hold on can we rename Small police department, neighborhood police department
And medium police department just Police department
And capital police department Police Headquarters
Voopmont District Policy #7 September 12th,2020 Police Funding Act Council Member Big AOT Fan Effective: Progressive Description: To further fund the Police Force and to improve its coverage by building more detainment centers and Police stations in the district of Voopmont...
Submitted by @big aot fan
everyone 13-Sep-20 08:00 AM
Voopmont District Policy #8 August 13th, 2020 Business Loan Act Governor Comrade Chris Effective Immediately Description:It is mandatory for businesses to have 100k credits to be allowed on the stock market according to the MOF. So to encourage more businesses to be created ...
#IcelesiaIndependence | MOF 14-Sep-20 03:22 PM
Voopmont District Policy #9 September 13th, 2020 Welfare & Subsidies Act Council Member A Human Effective Immediately Description: This bill will provide welfare for the poor and to provide Subsidies for businesses. Law SEC. 1: Short Name VPT//009//W&SA SEC. 2: Department of...
Taz | Doomslayer 14-Sep-20 03:25 PM
Voopmont 9 - 14 - 2020 District Council Reformation Act Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Council Reformation Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME DCRA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The DCRA will reform the District Council. It is not an amendment to t...
Taz | Doomslayer 16-Sep-20 07:03 PM
Voopmont 9 - 15 - 2020 District Bill Tag Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Bill Tag Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME DBTAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The District Bill Tag Act Amendment shall nullify the previous DBTA and...
Taz | Doomslayer 17-Sep-20 12:43 PM
Voopmont 9 - 16 - 2020 Governor Position Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - Governor Position Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME GPAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The GPAA does not nullify the entirety of the GPA. Only Secton IV is to ...
Taz | Doomslayer 18-Sep-20 04:36 PM
Voopmont 9 - 17 - 2020 Citizen Inclusion Act Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - Citizen Initiative Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME CIA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The Citizen Inclusion Act enables Voopmont citizens to write Petitions for government change...
Voopmont 9 - 15 - 2020 District Council Reformation Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Council Reformation Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME DCRAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The DCRAA will NOT nullify the DCRA, but will ins...
Voting starts after governor elections
Syntholion 26-Sep-20 02:27 PM
Voopmont 9/26/2020 WELFARE REPEAL ACT Created By: Council Member Synthion TITLE I - WELFARE REPEAL ACT SECTION I - SHORT NAME WRA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: This policy aims to remove Welfare from Voopmont as it is unnecessary and not needed. W...
Taz | Doomslayer 26-Sep-20 11:47 PM
Coolio youre not on the council and cant submit bills but i will propose this on your behalf
Syntholion 26-Sep-20 11:49 PM
erm dude
it's my bill
#IcelesiaIndependence | MOF 27-Sep-20 01:09 AM
But your not a council member yet
everyone 29-Sep-20 03:21 PM
Create a new document and edit with others at the same time -- from your computer, phone or tablet. Get stuff done with or without an internet connection. Use Docs to edit Word files. Free from Google.
😳 4
MEE6 BOT 29-Sep-20 03:21 PM
GG @everyone, you just advanced to level 5!
everyone 29-Sep-20 03:22 PM
Voopmont District Policy #13 29 SEPTEMBER 2020 Council Dissolution Act Senator Taz Effective (immediately, or specific date) Description: This act dissolves the Council and allows all Voopmontian residents the rights to vote and submit bills freely Short Title This Act may ...
everyone 01-Oct-20 01:47 PM
Proposed by Synthion
But then
Just vote the system previously?
Syntholion 01-Oct-20 01:48 PM
that system has been repealed
everyone 01-Oct-20 01:48 PM
Oh so you want to let Taz decide directly
I see ok
Syntholion 01-Oct-20 01:50 PM
well there's no other system atm
Taz | Doomslayer 02-Oct-20 01:48 AM
Voopmont 10/1/2020 People’s Voting Act Created By: Synthion TITLE I - PEOPLE’S VOTING ACT SECTION I - SHORT NAME PVA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The People’s Voting Act will specify what exactly the people of Voopmont will be allowed to propose and...
threeeyedthink 2
😕 1
Taz | Doomslayer 28-Oct-20 01:23 PM
Voopmont October 26, 2020 Police Funding Act Revision Created By: Governor Taz TITLE I - Police Funding Act Revision SECTION I - SHORT NAME PFAR SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Revamps the entirety of the Police Funding Act to ensure the Voopmont P.D. ...
everyone 28-Oct-20 01:26 PM
Taz | Doomslayer 29-Oct-20 03:33 PM
Voopmont October 29, 2020 Doomslayer Recognition Act Created By: Governor Taz TITLE I - Doomslayer Definition Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME DDA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Defines the Voopmont Doomslayer as a tactic of counterterrorism and a defense s...
#IcelesiaIndependence | MOF 16-Nov-20 04:56 PM
Voopmont November 16, 2020 Icelesia Autonomy Acts Created By: willywonkapants TITLE I - Icelesia Automnomy Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME IAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Increases the amount of autonomy Icelesia has from Voopmont by establishing a desi...
👀 2
Syntholion 16-Nov-20 10:03 PM
Timezone Change Vote Change the Voopmont Timezone to -6. Landing Cove's timezone is -6, and we are right on top of it, so it makes sense for us to share their timezone.
Taz | Doomslayer 17-Nov-20 02:28 AM
Yeah it makes 0 sense we have different times one when we’re right above the
MEE6 BOT 17-Nov-20 02:28 AM
GG @Taz | Doomslayer, you just advanced to level 13!
Taz | Doomslayer 17-Nov-20 02:28 AM
Syntholion 04-Dec-20 06:56 AM
Motion to activate the Doomslayer to send in Medievala.
Taz | Doomslayer 04-Dec-20 02:29 PM
Motion for the Senator and Governor to contact the VSS regarding my existence. I feel that in the event I am deployed to Medievala, working with the VSS will increase efficiency. Not to mention, working with the VSS will help me protect citizens on a national scale.
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