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Information / rules
Disney-Chris1 17-Oct-20 08:48 PM
Rules 10/17/2020 1. BE NICE Be considerate of others. Please no personal, racial, ethinic, and /or gender based insults, slurs, or dersive comments Respect other communities. Do not bring drama from external sources. 2.THIS IS A CHILL SERVER Keep images, text, and your profile SFW. Disturbing or offensive imagery/language (eg:gore, vore, porn, etc.) is not allowed, even as a joke. Swearing within reason is fine, but please don’t swear excessively. (Please keep things PG-13) 3.AVOID HEATED/HEAVY TOPICS This includes politics, religion, national tragedies, sucide, abortion, or overtly personal information, etc. 4.NO ADVERTISING Unless you have permission from moderators is obtained beforehand, do not link to your server/clan/stream/website/etc. Unsolicited DMs of any kind are not allowed. 5.DO NOT SPAM Please avoid posting a large quantity of images even if spread over time. Don’t abuse the mods or @admin pings. 6.NO PIRACY Don’t talk about pirating. Don’t discuss ways to illegally obtain digital content. Don’t post ROMS, ISOs, illegal torrents, or other forms of pirated software. 7.PLEASE JUST USE YOUR COMMON SENSE Even though if the rule isn’t listed, doesn’t mean its allowed.
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