--Conclusion of electoral day 1: --
Current standings: @Kazerkazerk and @quelfboy99 have both submitted requests that will be selected for final review if more people decide to state a case for Attorney General. Otherwise they will run against each unless one concedes, automatically giving the opponent victory.
Civilians are still allowed to state a case if they believe they are suited for Attorney General until November 23rd, the day before election. The final day will see a interview of all runners in VC, which will conclude the final review, and submit two candidates for the running Attorney general.
Congratulations to all who made it into the standings, as your case has presented well. You are expected to stay true of it if you receive the role.
Submissions are still allowed for the next 6 days, but any requests between now and 11AM EST will be reviewed starting tomorrow at 11AM EST, and ending at 8PM EST.