anyone want to be involved in the space program just say thanks
quelfboy9902-Dec-20 09:30 PM
ill think about it
Topc20002-Dec-20 09:31 PM
Kazerkazerk02-Dec-20 10:02 PM
If is is possible I can help some
Phantomfighter02-Dec-20 10:04 PM
Kazerkazerk02-Dec-20 10:07 PM
cool thanks for letting me help. Space is one of my favorite topics. I can read for hours on the NASA website. although that will not help us much here in QASA. Anyway thanks for letting me in!
also just so i can know who out of the @QSP volunteers has KSP
sorry for the pings
Salty_Cole06-Dec-20 06:22 PM
Not me
I will
quelfboy9906-Dec-20 06:23 PM
i dont have ksp but i have simple rockets and space fight simulator
Cowboy06-Dec-20 06:23 PM
I have ksp but I suck at it
quelfboy9906-Dec-20 06:23 PM
and simple planes
i have that too(edited)
Topc20006-Dec-20 06:28 PM
it was to desgin rockest
to go into space
and we would also need astonauts
possiblly send animals first
no robots actually
Caesar The Train06-Dec-20 06:37 PM
im actually good at KSP
i could probably make rockets
issue is is that i dont have it
Phantomfighter06-Dec-20 06:53 PM
Werner von Phantom when
Topc20006-Dec-20 06:53 PM
yes could all the volunterrs help design our first rocket to go into space
we will be the first district to explore
Phantomfighter06-Dec-20 06:54 PM
I could go like vc and you guys advise me how and what I should add
Kazerkazerk06-Dec-20 08:58 PM
I am also somewhat good at ksp.
Topc20006-Dec-20 09:02 PM
i want the volunteers to start designing our first test rocket
Phantomfighter06-Dec-20 09:35 PM
ok I'll vc tomorrow at 2 pm UTC if you guys are able to reach that
Salty_Cole06-Dec-20 11:39 PM
So 9 am est?
quelfboy9907-Dec-20 12:44 AM
Est.Chicago07-Dec-20 12:45 AM
I can put a nuke on that if you want
quelfboy9907-Dec-20 12:45 AM
I made a rocket in space fight simulator
Topc20007-Dec-20 12:45 AM
Est.Chicago07-Dec-20 12:45 AM
I love that game
quelfboy9907-Dec-20 12:46 AM
I would make a video of it working but I can't on my phone
Phantomfighter07-Dec-20 07:43 AM
yes @Salty_Cole
Phantomfighter09-Dec-20 06:43 PM
@QSP volunteers I will be streaming this saturday from 20:00 CST (19:00 UTC/GMT; 14:00 EST) tell me if you can make it around that time, for I would like to see people turn up so we can build our first rocket via discord VC.
I will be building it as if I were blind, and only adding things I only find necessary, while I totally feed of your ideas
Topc20009-Dec-20 06:44 PM
then we can hopefully launch
Caesar The Train09-Dec-20 06:44 PM
ill probably be able to make it
Topc20009-Dec-20 06:45 PM
im going to add more stuff for RP .like the rocket will be made from KSP and we will launch the rocket on KSP then after i will add some more stuff for RP(edited)
if that makes any sense
Caesar The Train09-Dec-20 07:35 PM
i have some good suggestions
Topc20009-Dec-20 07:46 PM
go ahead
Kazerkazerk09-Dec-20 07:59 PM
I till try
to get there
Phantomfighter09-Dec-20 09:15 PM
caesar we'll see about that
Caesar The Train09-Dec-20 11:10 PM
im talking about when the stream happens
i have some good rocket ideas
Kazerkazerk10-Dec-20 12:12 AM
cool I look forward to it
quelfboy9910-Dec-20 12:15 AM
do we need air plains
one game i do have is simple plains
you can also make helicopters in it
Allegate10-Dec-20 05:48 AM
How is Queensland supposed to have a space program when half of its members can’t spell