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Queensland Citizens / governor-campaigning
Phantomfighter 14-Dec-20 08:09 PM
hi, im phantomfighter. I've been looking forward to being able to become the senator of this district, and I figured this would be a good 'training.' I know as a governor you cannot do a lot regarding policies and all, but that will come later during my senatorship. I could be creating some magical story here about how im going to improve Queensland etc. but we both know those are just populistic sceeches for attention. So hey, if you want me to become a better senator (in the future), you can start now!
Potato 15-Dec-20 04:56 PM
P.S for chatting about #election-polls please use a separate channel, as any message in #election-polls will ping people who donโ€™t have it muted. Also please delete any messages you have in the election polls channel, as I want citizens to focus on the current vote
Phantomfighter 17-Dec-20 12:11 PM
elections when, it kinda is the 4th day today ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Caesar The Train 17-Dec-20 12:56 PM
okay once today ends and we have no runners other than you i will make you governor
Phantomfighter 17-Dec-20 07:16 PM
cmon please someone ๐Ÿ˜‚
Caesar The Train 17-Dec-20 07:18 PM
the day is not over yet (edited)
Phantomfighter 17-Dec-20 09:19 PM
no I know, that's why
I want people to participate
Caesar The Train 17-Dec-20 09:20 PM
i would be pretty happy if we had somebody else participate
Potato 05-Jan-21 05:05 PM
I have returned and am able to govern elections. I will be not too active in the next 3 weeks due to finals, however the elections do not require much maintenance. This means work pace may be slower than usual, yet shouldnโ€™t hinder anything. (edited)
Phantomfighter 05-Jan-21 07:32 PM
good to know
thank you for telling us
xboy 05-Jan-21 07:36 PM
as the elections are tommoro I xboy as senetor will introduce bills to limate spikes power and freeing the democracy i will also declare queensland as an independent yam sate i will elimonate all potatos in queensland finaly freeing this great county (edited)
Phantomfighter 07-Jan-21 10:02 PM
ok so basically
@Citizens have a roll, who'll be next to take the governor title upon himself?
Caesar The Train 07-Jan-21 10:03 PM
Phantomfighter 07-Jan-21 10:03 PM
Salty_Cole 07-Jan-21 10:03 PM
a dumbass probably
Caesar The Train 07-Jan-21 10:03 PM
i want to write out my campaign but its the middle of the night right now
alskfx1 07-Jan-21 10:04 PM
Phantomfighter 07-Jan-21 10:04 PM
so are you in or not cole?
Salty_Cole 07-Jan-21 10:12 PM
maybe idk
im kinda new in Queensland
alskfx1 07-Jan-21 10:30 PM
Imma pass on governor
Salty_Cole 07-Jan-21 10:31 PM
sure Iโ€™ll do it
Caesar The Train 07-Jan-21 10:37 PM
ill do it im just tired and doing something rn
Caesar The Train 08-Jan-21 08:05 PM
hello, caesar here. Im running for governor because i want to help queensland out. I believe that i would be best suited for this position because i am 2 time former senator of queensland and i have a bunch of ideas at mind. I believe that queensland is the best district but it could be better. We need new lore and more maps. We need more people to join. And we most certainly need a mindful capable leader. Make queensland better by starting now and voting for me!
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