Dear citizen of New Yam! I am planning to implement counties/states into our district to start the floor ground of a government which you can move to. When you are in the state you will vote for a governor in the near future!
I was hoping to do automatically but due to issues for now I will have it be like this:
Just react with the colour corresponding to the one you want!
Coca16216-Nov-20 11:09 PM
Yellow - Sanctuary
Red - Hai Bei
Blue - Kanata
Purple - Staland
Green - New Yampshire(edited)
Coca16218-Nov-20 01:03 AM
@Unpicked State Hello citizens please pick a state! Once I get mostly every I will start on getting governors in place
Coca16218-Nov-20 05:27 PM
Should we have a direct democracy or have states be represented by a governor and then they vote?
- Direct Democracy
- Governors
(Please note governors will probably still exist for big districts either way)
Coca16219-Nov-20 11:56 PM
@Citizen since people have decided to choose governors we will begin elections in high populated states and in smaller ones they will be decided by the citizens or if me if nobody can be picked!
@Citizen elections will start at 20:00 EST so make sure if you want to run you run!
Coca16223-Nov-20 06:39 PM
@Citizen Every district now has a mayor except Sanctuary due to legal issues!
Mayor can customise there districts if they wish by petitioning to me!
Coca16203-Dec-20 12:11 AM
@Citizen What do you guys beliefs in roleplay?
Atheism - No God
Orthodox Melonism - Original Melonism from Vaicos. Taught to spread religion and give food to the people. Does not see council or pope as representatives of religion
Modern Melonism - Mostly Medievala centered Melonism. Much more focused around the medievala district.(edited)
Coca16205-Dec-20 04:41 PM
@Citizen Do you support The Second Lanatian Empire?
Coca16219-Dec-20 06:58 PM
@Citizen Dear New Yam Citizens, the vote of no confidence is currently happening on Prime Minister Pope Francis. This means he will no longer be PM but he will still be a senator.
Do you guys support me voting yes on his removal?