It is awweady knyown among the citizens of some distwicts that NVP membews wiww DM citizens asking fow a vote. This was mostwy ignyowed, untiw nyow. The waw was weviewed and it was found that this action was actuawwy iwwegaw. It was awso discuvwed that Wuka had been DMing awmost evewy citizen of his distwict with the voting wink and a wequest that they vote fow him. Many pwominyent membews of the guvwnment cwiticized this and began to fowm a wawsuit.
Howevew, just befowe an appeaw couwd be fiwed, Empewow Spike Vipew simpwy decwawed that waw void. This caused much contwuvwsy as Spike is the weadew of the NVP, and Wuka is onye of theiw main membews. This awso bwought up the question of what wouwd happen in a hypotheticaw situation whewe Spike bweaks a waw, but instead of being twied he simpwy wemuvs the waw. Spike's wepwy: "Weww, it's nyice to be Empewow." The guvwnment membews quickwy dwopped the wawsuit, without any given weason othew than "it wouwd be too hawd to go against Spike." This seems to be just anyothew sad wemindew that Voopewia is nyot a democwacy. Wuka got off with nyo punyishment and vote begging wiww continyue to be awwowed (and in some cases encouwaged).