Description: Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes.
Cooldown: 3 seconds
Usage: ?mute [user] [limit] [reason]
?mute @NoobLance 10 Shitposting
?mute User 10m spamming
?mute NoobLance 1d Too Cool
?mute NoobLance 5h He asked for it
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Merope Mastermind Error
Please run the command /setup to initialise your server
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Inital Internal Setup complete
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:36 AM
Merope Mastermind Help
Here are the available extensions for Merope Mastermind.
To view a more detailed description of each extension, do /help [extension name]. The extension name is shown in the description of each extension.
Config commands for Merope Mastermind
District Role Manager
Automatically assigns roles to citizens/non-citizens of a certain district.
Global Reports
Allows any moderators of a server to report a member to Merope Mastermind, these reports are seen on all server with Merope Mastermind.
Impersonation Protection
Allows admins and mods of a server to register their nicknames and PFPs to protect members from impersonating high ranking members of a server.
Permissions Manager
Allows the admins of a server to decide the admin and moderator roles for the server.
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:37 AM
/districtrolemanager Los Vooperis
/help districtrolemanager
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:38 AM
Merope Mastermind Help
District Role Manager : Extended Help.
This set of commands is only available to admins
/setserverdistrict [district]
Set a server's district
/setservercitizen [role]
Set a server's citizen role
/setservernoncitizen [role]
Set a server's non-citizen role
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:38 AM
/setserverdistrict Los Vooperis
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:38 AM
District Role Manager Error
You are not the senator of this district
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:38 AM
bruh moment
i have to get potato to set this up lmao
/setservercitizen Citizen
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:40 AM
District Role Manager Error
You have not set a district for your server
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:40 AM
@just_a_potato | h for senate im so sorry for ping
/setserverdistrict Los Vooperis
just_a_potato | h for senate29-Oct-20 12:45 PM
/setserverdistrict Los Vooperis
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 12:45 PM
District Role Manager
Succesfully set server's district to Los Vooperis
just_a_potato | h for senate29-Oct-20 12:45 PM
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:45 PM
/setservercitizen Citizen
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 12:46 PM
District Role Manager
Succesfully set server's citizen role to @Citizen
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:46 PM
/setservernoncitizen Non-Citizen
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 12:46 PM
District Role Manager
Succesfully set server's non citizen role to @Non-Citizen
Niami29-Oct-20 12:48 PM
it didn't work
time to fix :/
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:49 PM
did it not?
Niami29-Oct-20 12:49 PM
nope I rejoined and it didn't give me the role, does the bot have manage role permission?
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:50 PM
it does
Niami29-Oct-20 12:50 PM
I checked a different server and it doesn't work either wtff
ffs what did I break this time
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:51 PM
it knows youre on to it
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:51 PM
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:51 PM
burn your PC
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:51 PM
Run little bot run!
@Merope Mastermind run for your life
You can make it
Niami29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
why is it still online tho
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
Niami29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
it has gained sentience OH GOD RUN
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
You killed it :(
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:53 PM
@Merope Mastermind kill your master
Ok but seriously how is it still online
Niami29-Oct-20 12:54 PM
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 12:54 PM
Merope Mastermind Help
Here are the available extensions for Merope Mastermind.
To view a more detailed description of each extension, do /help [extension name]. The extension name is shown in the description of each extension.
Config commands for Merope Mastermind
District Role Manager
Automatically assigns roles to citizens/non-citizens of a certain district.
Global Reports
Allows any moderators of a server to report a member to Merope Mastermind, these reports are seen on all server with Merope Mastermind.
Impersonation Protection
Allows admins and mods of a server to register their nicknames and PFPs to protect members from impersonating high ranking members of a server.
Permissions Manager
Allows the admins of a server to decide the admin and moderator roles for the server.
Niami29-Oct-20 12:54 PM
well it should be online now(edited)
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:54 PM
Niami29-Oct-20 12:54 PM
programming is fun /s
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:55 PM
That’s why I don’t do it :)
Cause I hate fun /s
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:56 PM
Niami29-Oct-20 12:56 PM
I'm rejoining to see if it gives me the role
clearly it won't
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:56 PM
i know
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:57 PM
@Merope Mastermind go to your kennel
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 12:57 PM
"Playing" Visual Studio Code
Niami29-Oct-20 12:57 PM
because it's fun /s
Previous Senator Bmkreher29-Oct-20 12:59 PM
look the bot worked and it totally wasn’t me manually giving you the role
Niami29-Oct-20 12:59 PM
I'll fix it eventually
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:01 PM
oh whoops
Niami29-Oct-20 09:07 PM
so I fixed the bot, FINALLY
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
Merope Mastermind Help
Here are the available extensions for Merope Mastermind.
To view a more detailed description of each extension, do /help [extension name]. The extension name is shown in the description of each extension.
Config commands for Merope Mastermind
District Role Manager
Automatically assigns roles to citizens/non-citizens of a certain district.
Global Reports
Allows any moderators of a server to report a member to Merope Mastermind, these reports are seen on all server with Merope Mastermind.
Impersonation Protection
Allows admins and mods of a server to register their nicknames and PFPs to protect members from impersonating high ranking members of a server.
Permissions Manager
Allows the admins of a server to decide the admin and moderator roles for the server.
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
like actually>
Niami29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
Niami29-Oct-20 09:08 PM
it gave me the role this time
the issue was discord went REEEEEEEEEE and broke something with this bot specifically
anyway there ya go
district roles
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:09 PM
D.J.Z.29-Oct-20 09:55 PM
/config help
/help config
Merope MastermindBOT29-Oct-20 09:55 PM
Merope Mastermind Help
Config : Extended Help.
This set of commands is only available to admins
Runs the basic internal setup for Merope Mastermind
/setup alerts [channel]
Sets the alerts channel for Merope Mastermind to the provided channel
/setup alerts addnotify [role]
Adds a role to be notified when Merope Mastermind posts an alert
/setup alerts remnotify [role]
Removes a role from being notified when Merope Mastermind posts an alert
Here is a list of all current modules available to use in Merope Mastermind.
To get further information on each module use the command /help (moduleid).
The moduleid is shown as the last line in the description of each module.
SpookVooper Integration
These are the commands that connect to SpookVooper to get info about your
account such as your balance or your discord stats.
svintPermission Manager
This is where you can set who has the power to use certain commands.
The current permission levels are : Administrator, Moderator, Everyone.
permsDistrict Role Manager
This allows you set your server as a district server and give users
citizen/non-citizen roles automatically.
DeepLog allows you to log certain events in your server such as edited or
deleted messages and members leaving or joining.
Here you can change basic settings for the bot such as the command prefix
configGeneral Commands
Generic commands that provide information about the bot
just_a_potato | h for senate23-Dec-20 03:23 PM
/help svint
Merope MastermindBOT23-Dec-20 03:23 PM
Merope Mastermind Help : SpookVooper Integration
/xp (optional: entity)
Shows the total xp you have earned on your spookvooper account.
You may also provide a username/discordid/svid/mc uuid to check another user's xp.
/balance (optional: entity)
Shows your spookvooper credits balance.
you may also provide a username/group name/discordid/svid/mc uuid/district to check another group/user's balance.
/stats (optional: entity)
Shows various stats from your spookvooper account.
You may also provide a username/group name/discordid/svid/mc uuid/district to check another user/group/district's stats.
Shows the top 50 users on the spookvooper leaderboard.
/svid (optional: entity)
Shows the svid of the spookvooper account connected to your discord account.
You may also provide username/group name/discordid/mc uuid to check another group/user's svid.
just_a_potato | h for senate23-Dec-20 03:24 PM
/stats 570411660385452057
Merope MastermindBOT23-Dec-20 03:24 PM
Saturn's Stats
SpookVooper Stats
Balance : ¢14998.1000000000
District : Los Vooperis
Comment Likes : 0
Post Likes : 0
Discord Stats
Message XP : 140
Message Count : 423
Commends Received: 0
Commends Sent : 0
Game XP : 0
Ban Count : 0
PFP URL : Here
Current Senator : DJZ
Population : 23
Group Balance : ¢115710.98
Total District Wealth : ¢1548003.24
District User Wealth : ¢857606.8
District Group Wealth : ¢690396.44
Los Vooperis is fondly known as one of the early districts in Vooperia, having been settled for its easy access to water, shipping lanes, and potential for fishing. Under the surface, massive oil reserves promise riches for those daring enough to dig.
The district today contains not a single building from its creation. Decades after founding, a Tsunami wiped out the entire archipelago, causing chaos and panic across Vooperia. The region served as a massive hub for sewage treatment, and the disaster affected the homes of every Vooperian, which was unpleasant for all.
In quick response to the incoming Tsunami, the government quickly hatched a plan to reverse the pipe flow for the flood system, turning it into a massive vacuum. Although it did manage to save the Isles further away, and possib...